Salutations! At Chakra 17 West, we utilize a Machine-less, Gravity-centered, Closed-system method of Colonic Irrigation based on techniques that have been used traditionally across the world, and throughout history for thousands of years. Of course, the tools have changed with the times; Nevertheless, the process itself remains essentially unchanged. There’s not much to improve on, the process is efficient, effective, hygienic and safe— Results are inevitable! We strive, with every colonic, to make your experience the BEST possible experience.
How do we do this? First and foremost, we have a long history with colonics. What began with the booking of our own appointments 11 years ago for personal growth and healing, transformed into a thorough, 8 month-long professional apprenticeship with colonic genius Wendy Jones, and, finally, a career spanning (at present) 20 years of my life! In that time period, I have given 10,000+ colonics, and spent (combined) 20,000+ hours of our lives in service to our clients.
We know what we’re doing, and we're living-proof of the potential and power of colonics, sound nutrition, and proper living to cleanse, heal and revitalize the heart/mind/body.
Secondly, we have an profound awareness of the human body, its systems, and its dynamic, multifaceted relationship to the universe we inhabit. We understand and see the body in a way that integrates all the aspects of the human being— we recognize and acknowledge that we live in a holistic universe, that everything is connected.
We see the big picture and the details all at once, and (more importantly) the connections between the two.
Third, we care! For 20 years, we've dedicated our lives to the art of release, purification, transmutation and internal alchemy, and we want to pass the blessings of the wisdom we’ve gained, and the health and vitality we express, on to you! We are uniquely suited to the task of helping others awaken to the infinite healing capacity of their mind, heart and body. Nothing is impossible. Again and again we’ve been witness to myriad remarkable manifestations of healing. The potential of the human body to heal, and the spirit to blossom is nothing less than astonishing!
Lastly, we are patient, skillful and kind. We let you and your body set the pace. In fact, the beauty of the Gravity-centered method we use is that the body is never overwhelmed by what it is being asked to do. Because of the design of our system, water is unable to enter the colon at a pressure or speed greater than what the body is comfortable with or can "handle." We use techniques unique and essential to our particular methodology and practice— working specific points on the abdomen, back and hips, presence, energy work, and conversation to engender the BEST experience possible, helping our clients relax into infinite possibilities of release.
Travel safe. Be happy. Live well.
How do we do this? First and foremost, we have a long history with colonics. What began with the booking of our own appointments 11 years ago for personal growth and healing, transformed into a thorough, 8 month-long professional apprenticeship with colonic genius Wendy Jones, and, finally, a career spanning (at present) 20 years of my life! In that time period, I have given 10,000+ colonics, and spent (combined) 20,000+ hours of our lives in service to our clients.
We know what we’re doing, and we're living-proof of the potential and power of colonics, sound nutrition, and proper living to cleanse, heal and revitalize the heart/mind/body.
Secondly, we have an profound awareness of the human body, its systems, and its dynamic, multifaceted relationship to the universe we inhabit. We understand and see the body in a way that integrates all the aspects of the human being— we recognize and acknowledge that we live in a holistic universe, that everything is connected.
We see the big picture and the details all at once, and (more importantly) the connections between the two.
Third, we care! For 20 years, we've dedicated our lives to the art of release, purification, transmutation and internal alchemy, and we want to pass the blessings of the wisdom we’ve gained, and the health and vitality we express, on to you! We are uniquely suited to the task of helping others awaken to the infinite healing capacity of their mind, heart and body. Nothing is impossible. Again and again we’ve been witness to myriad remarkable manifestations of healing. The potential of the human body to heal, and the spirit to blossom is nothing less than astonishing!
Lastly, we are patient, skillful and kind. We let you and your body set the pace. In fact, the beauty of the Gravity-centered method we use is that the body is never overwhelmed by what it is being asked to do. Because of the design of our system, water is unable to enter the colon at a pressure or speed greater than what the body is comfortable with or can "handle." We use techniques unique and essential to our particular methodology and practice— working specific points on the abdomen, back and hips, presence, energy work, and conversation to engender the BEST experience possible, helping our clients relax into infinite possibilities of release.
Travel safe. Be happy. Live well.
Chakra 17 West LLC
5325 SE 65th Ave
Portland, Oregon 97206